Ed Bauer
CrossFit (masters)

Current City: Colonia, NJ Age: 29 Division: Men’s Classic Physique Years as a Vegan: 6 Why you became a vegan: I have my beautiful partner (also named Alex) to thank for giving me the final push to go vegan but honestly, the whole philosophy behind veganism spoke to a deep, visceral part of me that demands more from the status quo. To me, veganism represents the convergence of so much that’s important to me. The welfare of nonhuman animals, climate change, the health of the biosphere, the physical well-being of myself and everyone around me — I realized that so much can be improved by the wide-spread adoption of a compassionate vegan lifestyle. Favorite foods/meals: seitan, tempeh, tofu, edamame, avocado, fava beans, kiwis, blueberries, vegan ice cream, protein bars, peanut butter Favorite exercises: Bicep curls, conventional barbell deadlifts, dumbbell rows, dumbbell shoulder press, seated overhead tricep extensions